
Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Chaos Shaper Class / Noxus War!

CyseroChaos Shaper Class & Battle Tested Axe Master Armor!

At long last we are releasing the 3 month and 15 month AQW membership bonus item rewards!
We've been talking about it for a long time and there was a hold up in production as we realized that we simply couldn't do justice to the DF class we were considering adding as the 15 month membership bonus, but then most of you said that you wanted a class original to AQW anyway so that worked out just fine.
Beginning TONIGHT! Anyone who has EVER purchased 3 months (or more) worth of AQW memberships (even if those 3 months weren't all at once, and even if they have expired) will get the AXE MASTER ACHIEVEMENT BADGE on their character page and in their Book of Lore!
Click on your badge in the Book of Lore and you can open a shop that will grant you access to these non-member items:
  • Battle Tested Axe Master Armor
  • Battle Tested Helm
  • Zhilo's Hairstyle
Each of these items are non-member so you can use them even if your membership has expired and they each cost 0 ACs so you can store them for free!

15 Month Membership Bonus Item Sets!

Anyone who has EVER purchased a total of 15 months (or more) worth of AQW memberships (even if those 15 months weren't all at once, and even if they have expired) will get the CHAOS SHAPER BADGE on their character page and in their Book of Lore!
Click on your badge in the Book of Lore and you can open a shop that will grant you access to these non-member items:
  • ChaosWarrior Armor
  • ChaosWarrior Helm
  • ChaosWarrior Wings
  • ChaosWarrior Omegus Sword
  • Chaos Shaper Class
  • Chaos Shaper Cape
  • Chaos Shaper Helm
  • Chaos Shaper Destroyer Sword
Each of these items are non-member so you can use them even if your membership has expired and they each cost 0 ACs so you can store them for free!

Chaos Shaper Skill Set

Now it's time to do a little skill breakdown for those of you who are lucky(insane) enough to attempt to control Chaos for your own purposes.
Remember that the very nature of Chaos is to be unpredictable. Chaos is insanity. Chaos is random. Chaos is POWER. You have decided to take on forces that nobody, even Drakath, can truly control. But with hard work and a quick mind you can learn to flow with the insanity rather than fighting against it. Can you sharpen and free your mind or will your sanity get bashed against the rocks of Chaos?
Most of the Chaos Shaper's abilities have 2 possible outcomes. That means that you can't really plan out your next move. You NEED to think fast and respond to each outcome. It completely changes how you play, each time you use a skill.
Even though this class require a lot of Luck to help your Crits, it's a very strong Warrior based class that is best at mowing down your enemy fast by overpowering them. I suggest STR based enhancements for fast damage.
2 Second Cooldown.
A basic attack taught to all adventurers.
30 Mana, 16 Second Cooldown.
The powers of Chaos alter time increasing your attack speed OR reducing the speed of your enemy 
There is a 50/50 chance that your haste will increase for 6 seconds or your enemy's haste will decrease. That means that either your foe is dealing less damage to you, giving you time to make your next decision OR your speed increases which is a great way for this class to bank a bunch of mana when you need it as it recieves mana on successfully hitting an enemy.
30 Mana, 10 Second Cooldown.
A Chaotic stuns your target OR weakens the target reducing the damage it does.
As with most possible stun powers this is a good lead off ability but again, either way you win. Either your foe loses HALF of its damage dealing ability for a few seconds OR it gets stunned, giving you a chance to Twist Time and get some mana back fast or let the next skill do its job.  
20 Mana, 7 Second Cooldown.
A Chaotic touch that harms your target or heals yourself.
This Ability can be a lifesaver but I have found that it's never that outcome that I want when I want it. Either your target gets a fairly powerful DoT (Damage over Time) placed on it that ticks away its life which you go to town on it, or... and you need this one... it hits you with a fairly powerful HoT (Heal over Time). I've found that this is a good skill to use if you pull off a stun. You will come to depend on that HoT but remember that you can never count on anything when you're playing with Chaos!
Increase STR by 10%
Increase CRIT by 10%
Once again, as you rank the class up you will unlock these new powers which will increae the entire class's effectiveness in combat.
30 Mana, 10 Second Cooldown. 
The power of Chaos causes high damage to your target BUT might backfire and cause harm to yourself instead!
This skill is the live saver and the heart breaker. You have a 60% chance to deal a MASSIVE blow to your target and it's just about as expensive in terms of mana as any of the other skills allowing you to do a LOT of damage over and over and over. But that leaves a 40% chance that your Chaotic power will backlash against you dealing a massive hit to yourself. YOU CAN KILL YOURSELF, so beware!

There you have it. One of the most powerful and least predictable classes in AQW and our first CHAOS based class. It's a LOT of fun to play but it can drive you to the very edge of insanity with its unpredictable nature.
There has been a recent surge in AC items which has been a response to player demand. There are just a LOT more people who are willing to buy ACs rather than memberships and we always listen to our players to the best of our ability. We go where you lead us, but that does NOT mean that we are going to abandon our members without whom none of this would be possible. For all of you who have helped keep AQW going with your member support, we cannot show you enough how much we appreciate you and we hope that you enjoy both of these member bonus shops and everything you find inside them, the member only areas, member only classes, weapons, pets, houses and just remember that as ACs are great for grabbing some rares or taking the shortcut to classes like Necromancer but Member content will just keep growing with AQW.
Seriously, thank you.


This week the DoomWood Saga continues as Noxus sets his plans in motion and uses his commaned of the undead armies at his disposal to attack SHADOWFALL!

Gravelyn is no fool, and knows what is coming for her. King Alteon would send his knights but his forces are already spread too thin fighting the undead attacking LightGuard Keep. Noxus has no respect for Gravelyn or the truce between Good and Evil against Chaos and sees Shadowfall as the key to the rest of Lore!
This means WAR! The Good & Evil Alliance has to pull together and rush to Shadowfall's defense! Will you answer the call to war?! We have some really great Star Warsian surprises in store for you in this week's cutscene animated entirely by Samba!
You will also find a War Merge Shop and a few drops which will go RARE when the war is over.

Very Small Suggestion Shop Update

This week I challenged Mennace to take some of the less well developed art from the suggestion forum and create some truly EPIC items out of them. Unfortunately he got really ill during the week and could only finish a few pieces but the ones he did were really nice.
  • The Fire Flail designed by L3r421L
  • Dual Frost Breath by paultaker
Hopefully next week we will have some time to add some more items!


AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Preimere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
 Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!
Have a great weekend guys!

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Cheat gold Ninja Saga

Nah, saya kembali hadir untuk berbagi cheat menarik di mana kita dapat memperoleh gold sangat besar dalam waktu singkat.
Require Files:
Tools: [link]
  • Fiddler2
  • Firefox
  • Download file zip di atas, lalu buka.
  • Buka Fiddler, ke tab autoresponder, contreng Enable auto... dan Permit Pass...
  • Drag mission_2.swf di file zip ke Fiddler. Lalu hapus cache Firefox.
  • Buka Ninja Saga dan lakukan misi level 1 Hardworking Student.
  • Jual semua Practice Naginata yang baru didapatkan setelah misi.
  • Kalau dijual semua, bisa dapat berjuta-juta.

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Jasa joki *Pet Langka* ninja saga

╠═► Shika = 5000
╠═► Kame = 5000
╠═► Bunny easter = 5000
╠═► Kisuke = 5000
╠═► hiragi = 5000
╠═► Zhozi = 5000
╠═► Yajiro = 5000
╠═► kumayoshi = 5000
╠═► Ponpoco = 5000
╠═► Keiko = 5000

Cheat Pet Rare Ninja Saga work 100%

 Tools :
Steps 1 :
  1. Download dulu Fiddler
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
Steps 2 :
1.Masuk Ke "Academy"
2.Pilih pet yang akan di beli
3.Setelah muncul tulisan "Reload Your NS!Now!" Refresh browser kalian. Setelah itu cek pet kalian 

Cheat ATM exp NSx

Tools :
-Download above the post
-Fiddler2 (Searched on this blog)
SWF -Download now

Steps :
1.Open Fiddler
2.Choose Tool's in Fiddler
3.Give checklist on box and input code below:
5. Klik Save

Use guide
* Go to Headquarter and choosing

Cheat Agility with CE

Cheat Agiliti / Kecepatan ( C.Engine )

-Cheat Engine [Download]
Step :

1. Buka PNS

2. Buka profil PNS kalian

3. Buka C.Engine , scan 01 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 pilih array of bytes

4. Keluar satu address klik 2X

5. ganti valuenya jadi 04 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 64 00 lalu tutup profil ns

6. buka profil PNS kalian lagi dan lihat agilitynya


Cheat Ninja Saga Gold Permanent Dengan Cheat Engine 20 Maret 2011
untuk lihat lebih lanjut klik cheat ninja saga
cheat ninja saga this time is a cheat ninja saga permanent gold, ok can not wait to use the cheat ninja this saga, this is the steps ninja saga cheat gold permanent

1. Cheat Engine 6.0 [Download]
2. browser (Mozilla recommended)

How to:
1. go ninja saga then playing any kind of mission (if not the mission lv13 escaped criminal who wrote because often get healing scrolls / chakra scroll)
2. if for example you get the item healing / chakras do not scroll at first ok ..
3. open cheat engine
4. open proces continues to choose which Web browser you use
5. continue to value typeya replaced text
6. scan items that you can ya list of his goods

* Item1 (smoke bomb) * item2 (healing scroll lvl 1)
* Item3 (chakras scroll lvl 1) * item4 (healing scroll lvl 3)
* Item5 (chakras scroll lvl 3) * item6 (healing scroll lvl 6)
* Item7 (chakras scroll lvl 6) * item8 (healing scroll lvl 9)
* Item9 (chakras scroll lvl 9) * item10 (chakras scroll lvl 12)
* Item11 (healing scroll lvl 12) * item12 (healing scroll lvl 15)
* Item13 (chakras scroll lvl 15) * item14 (healing scroll lvl 20)
* Item15 (chakras scroll lvl 20) * item16 (special rune scrolls)
* Item17 (healing scroll lvl 25) * item18 (chakras scroll lvl 25)
* Item19 (scroll healing lvl 30) * item20 (chakras scroll lvl 30)
* Item21 (healing scroll lvl 35) * item22 (chakras scroll lvl 35)
* Item23 (healing scroll lvl 40) * item24 (chakras scroll lvl 40)

7. for example wrote the scroll of chakra you get lvl 12 you live in CEnya wrote: item10
8. continue to scan address so you get valuenya replaced wpn155
9. After his mission is completed, refresh the game
10. continue to see in gear ...

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

ATM exp PNS/NSx from CIELO

Kali ini saya akan share ATM EXP yang telah di update, langsung aja di sedot......
Buruan gan !!
Peralatan :
Caranya :
  1. Download dulu fiddler
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

ATM exp pet Ninja Saga by: CIELO

Peralatan :
Caranya :
  1. Download dulu Fiddler
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
Cara Pemakaiannya :
Kalian tinggal masuk ke "Academy", lalu pilih "Fast Auto Pet-Levelling". Nanti .swf akan bekerja dengan sendirinya dan tunggu prosesnya hingga selesai. Minimal, char kalian harus lvl 60

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Kode Wep NSx/PNS

1 digit
wpn1 Kunai ^
wpn2 Sickle ^
wpn3 Sai ^
wpn4 Tonfa (Premium User only)
wpn5 Windmill ShurikenPremium User only)
wpn6 Battle Umbrella (Premium User only)
wpn7 Ocean Sword (Premium User only)
wpn8 Tri-Star Shuriken (Premium User only)
wpn9 Shark Skin Sword (Premium User only)

2 digit
wpn10 Decapitating Sword
wpn11 Tailed Jutte (Premium User only)
wpn12 Pointed Edge Kunai ^
wpn13 Chained Kama
wpn14 Arrow Head Kunai ^
wpn15 Arrow Head Kunai Ex ^
wpn16 Arrow Head Kunai FF ^
wpn17 Dual Head Kunai (Premium User only)
wpn18 Short Manji Sai ^
wpn19 Tiger Tooth Kunai ^
wpn20 Twin Tail Kunai ^
wpn21 Midori Sai ^
wpn22 Tri-Star Kunai ^
wpn23 Short Serpent Sickle ^
wpn24 Spring Kunai ^
wpn25 Giant Kunai ^
wpn26 Twin Tailed Jutte
wpn27 Knife Edge Kunai ^
wpn28 Chrome Sai ^
wpn29 Black Ripper Sickle
wpn30 Bone Hand Scythe
wpn31 Elegant Sai
wpn32 Golden Sai
wpn33 Hook Hand Sickle
wpn34 Lightning Sai. (Premium User only)
wpn35 Iron Sai ^
wpn36 Manji Sai
wpn37 Quad Edge Claw (Premium User only)
wpn38 Ritual Kama
wpn39 Small Tooth Kunai ^
wpn40 Silver Sai ^
wpn41 War Sickle
wpn42 Sword Sai ^
wpn43 Short Cleaver Sword
wpn44 Wavy Blade
wpn45 Bloody Ritual Kunai (Premium user only)
wpn46 Wolf Claw Dagger (Premium user only)
wpn47 Crescent Butcher Knife
wpn48 Bone Machete (Premium user only)
wpn49 Katana (Premium user only)
wpn50 Iron Dagger
wpn51 Bandit Blade
wpn52 Sliver-edged Kunai ^
wpn53 Nomad Blade ^
wpn54 Sharp Blade ^
wpn55 Dark War Edge
wpn56 Hole Sword ^
wpn57 Tusk Sword
wpn58 Thick Broadsword (Premium user only)
wpn59 Scorpion Tail Blade
wpn60 Blood Charm Tessen (Premium user only)
wpn61 Ice Wolf Sword (Premium user only)
wpn62 Blazing Shuriken (Premium user only)
wpn63 Rising-sun Sword (Premium user only)
wpn64 Lollipop
wpn65 Candy Stick
wpn66 Wreath of Leaf
wpn67 Turkey Leg
wpn68 Green Leaf Sickle ^
wpn69 Nen-ryu Tessen (Premium user only)
wpn70 Viper Tusk Sword (Premium user only)
wpn71 Shark Head Sword (Premium user only)
wpn72 Kanesada
wpn74 Skull Broadsword
wpn76 Dark Dragon Katana (Premium user only)
wpn77 Sliver Sword ^
wpn79 Dark Plate Blade
wpn80 Blade of Concealment ^
wpn82 Dark Ruby Edge
wpn83 Giant Torsion Sword ^
wpn84 Black Wing Sai ^
wpn85 Handy Sai ^
wpn86 Sacrificial Blade ^
wpn87 Rusty Scissor Kunai ^
wpn88 Superior Jutte
wpn89 Platium Jutte ^
wpn93 Japanese Dagger ^
wpn97 Bodkin Dagger ^
wpn98 Four-Point Shuriken

3 digit
wpn100 Carbon Dagger ^
wpn103 Bronze Kunai ^
wpn106 Steel Blade ^
wpn107 Heavy Armor Blade (Premium user only)
wpn109 Dorsal Fin Sword (Premium user only)
wpn111 Kotetsu ^
wpn112 Teddy Bear
wpn113 Bouquet of Roses
wpn114 Chocolate Sword
wpn119 Blood Drinker
wpn120 Tengu Spear
wpn121 Ginkotsu Saw
wpn122 Tengu Umbrella
wpn123 Yanki Sickle
wpn124 Byakko Sword
wpn125 Shadow Tooth
wpn126 Golem Guard
wpn127 Soul Watcher
wpn128 Wheel Monk
wpn129 Gekko Blade
wpn130 Dark Moryo
wpn131 Saijo Kotetsu
wpn132 White Bouquet
wpn133 Colorful Bouquet
wpn134 Dazzle Windmill (Premium user only)
wpn135 Kasa Obake (Premium user only)
wpn136 Hazy Kotetsu
wpn137 Senden
wpn138 Sea Bonze (Premium user only)
wpn139 Jinkujaku (Premium user only)
wpn140 Blue River
wpn141 Snake Soul
wpn142 Mountain Haze
wpn143 Violet Lightning
wpn144 Wind Walker
wpn145 Ichi No Katana (Premium user only)
wpn146 Soul Resonance (Premium user only)
wpn148 Disciple of Blood
wpn150 Crazy Wolf
wpn151 Tenji (Premium user only)
wpn152 Sessho Shuriken
wpn155 Practice Naginata ^
wpn158 Stone Kunai ^
wpn160 Knot Dagger Kunai ^
wpn161 Dart Kunai ^
wpn164 Secret Genin Kunai
wpn165 Snow-Nin Kunai ^
wpn168 Short Wing Sai ^
wpn172 Devil Thorn Sai ^
wpn173 Blue Pearl Kunai ^
wpn175 Soul Katana Kusanagi
wpn176 Red Card
wpn177 White Card
wpn178 Yellow Card
wpn179 Nidan Blood Drinker
wpn181 Nidan Shadow Tooth
wpn198 Shuriken Kurosemi
wpn199 Carnival Lantern
wpn200 Carnival Folding Fan
wpn201 Carnival Bachi
wpn275 Soul Katana Anakasumi
wpn276 Apes Banana
wpn284 Great Tengu Spear
wpn285 Ginkotsu Military Saw
wpn286 Great Tengu Umbrella
wpn287 Burning Yanki Sickle
wpn288 Angry Tiger Sword
wpn289 Dark Gedo Shuriken
wpn290 Smelly Banana
wpn300 Soul Katana Namigaeshi
wpn301 Spiral
wpn302 Spiral Sword
wpn309 Soul Spear Matsukaze
wpn324 Enchanted Katana Kusanagi
wpn325 Enchanted Shuriken Kurosemi
wpn326 Enchanted Katana Anakasumi
wpn327 Enchanted Katana Namigaeshi
wpn328 Enchanted Spear Matsukaze
wpn329 Soul Tessen Sakasama
wpn330 Battle Turtle Kunai
wpn331 Enchanted Tessen Sakasama
wpn332 Kaishaku
wpn333 Kagero
wpn334 Zeiyomaru
wpn335 Soryu
wpn336 Gamaro
wpn337 Shaki
wpn338 Yamiryu
wpn339 Gyuki
wpn341 Soul Katana Gyoubu
wpn342 Harp
wpn343 Fairy Stick
wpn344 A crescent-shaped magical stick from the christmas fairy.
wpn345 A star-shaped magical stick from the christmas fairy.
wpn346 Candlestick
wpn347 A candelabrum that looks like a christmas candy
wpn348 A three-branched golden candelabrum.
wpn349 Giant Spoon
wpn350 Giant Fork
wpn351 Giant Knive
wpn352 Frozen Kunai
wpn353 Frozen Shuriken
wpn354 Frozen Ninjato
wpn355 Enchanted Katana Gyoubu
wpn356 Soul Spear Nanakiri
wpn357 Enchanted Spear Nanakiri
wpn367 Hidden Gunbai Yokozuna
wpn368 Yamata Head Sword
wpn610 Fancy Rapier
wpn611 Arbiter
wpn612 Nidan Arbiter

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Cheat PNS/NSX menggunakan fiddler

Peralatan :
Caranya :
  1. Download dulu fiddler
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Cheat PNS work 100%

1. buka cheat engine plugin container
3.rubah value nya menjadi " TEXT "
4. buka Play Ninja Saga ( PNS / NSX )kalian
5.masuk ke shop lalu
6.beli BRONZE KUNAI ( senjata Lv. 28 yang di beli menggunakan gold )
7.klik gambarnya ( JANGAN D BUY )
8.scan value " wpn103 "
9.nanti akan muncul beberapa address tekan Ctrl+A lalu klik tanda panah merah di CE
10.setelah semua address pindah ke bawah ubah menjadi kode senjata yang kalian mau contoh dirubah ke wpn786 ( senjata Bizen Mutoh Masamune )
11.lalu buy senjata bronze kunai nya

reload PNS / NSX kamu lalu lihat senjatanya....
Kode Weapon boss (no token)
wpn120 Tengu Spear
wpn121 Ginkotsu Saw
wpn122 Tengu Umbrella
wpn123 Yanki Sickle
...wpn124 Byakko Sword
wpn152 Sessho Shuriken
wpn276 Apes Banana
wpn330 Battle Turtle Kunai
wpn786 Bizen Mutoh Masamune

Kode Rare Weapon (no token)
wpn4 : Tonfa
wpn11 : Tailed Jutte
wpn34 : Lightning Sai
wpn8 : Tri-Star Shuriken
wpn17 : Dual Head Kunai
wpn48 : Bone Machete
wpn58 : Thick Broadsword
wpn112 Teddy Bear
wpn113 Bouquet of Roses
wpn114 Chocolate Sword
wpn132 White Bouquet
wpn133 Colorful Bouquet
wpn176 Red Card
wpn177 White Card
wpn178 Yellow Card
wpn199 Carnival Lantern
wpn200 Carnival Folding Fan
wpn201 Carnival Bachi

Kode Clan Reward Weapon (token)
wpn175 : Soul Katana Kusanagi (season 2)
wpn198 : Shuriken Kurosemi (season 3)
wpn275 : Soul Katana Anakasumi (season 4)
wpn300 : Soul Katana Namigaeshi (season 5)
wpn309 : Soul Spear Matsukaze (season 6)
wpn329 : Soul Tessen Sakasama (season 7)
wpn341 : Soul Katana Gyoubu (season 8)8)
wpn356 : Soul Spear Nanakiri (season 9)

Kode Rare Body (no token)
set2 Summer Shorts
set12 Green Casual
set175 Warm Up Outfi
set177 Referee Uniform

Kode Rare Body (token)
set64 Xmas Suit
set67 Xmas Battle
set68 Haiti Rescue Team Uniform
set70 White Trench Coat
set71 Casual Black Suit
set114 Chile Rescue Team Uniform
set116 Easter Classic Suit
set140 Qinghai Rescue Team Uniform

Kode Clan Reward Body (token)
set144 : Emblem Elite. Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 1 1st runner-up
set145 : Zheninjas. Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 1 2nd runner-up
set146 : Mahogakure. Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 1 Champion

set243 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 2 Champion
set245 : NS Indonesia Clan. Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 2 1st runner-up
set247 : Shinigami. Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 2 2nd runner-up

set249 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 3 Champion
set251 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 3 1st runner-up
set253 : Shinzei Rizen Elite. Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 3 2nd runner-up

set262 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 4 Champion
set263 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 4 1st runner-up
set264 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 4 2nd runner-up

set265 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 5 Champion
set267 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 5 1st runner-up
set269 : Clothing reward for Clan Tournament Season 5 2nd runner-up

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Hero Smash

Welcome to HeroSmash!

Make your own super-powered Hero or Villain and discover a new world of adventure in Super City!  HeroSmash is abrand new, fully animated browser-based MMO game that you can play for free as much as you want.  You can playHeroSmash as either a Hero or Villain, and your story changes based on how you play!
HeroSmash will be updated often, so log in every day to be sure you don't miss anything.  Some new updates that weare working on now include the exciting ending to the Demolicious vs. Da VInci War, the arrival of the monstrousKing Zong, and powerful new abilities like the Maximum Blast and Big Boom.
Become a VIP Member to unlock special items, super-powers and missions, and get Smash Coins to buy other special and rare items and powers.  As a bonus, VIP Membership in HeroSmash also gets you Membership in our fantasy MMO AdventureQuest Worlds at!

HERO SMASH Beta is Live

Martial Artix

Beta is Live!

The HeroSmash BETA is officially underway and many new Heroes (and Villains) are joining us for the first time. If you have been playing a while, be sure to do your "good deed of the day" and help others find their way around Super City. Meanwhle, the team has been doing some super bug squishing! Want to help?
  • Join the Bug Buster TeamWe are starting to win the war against these bugs.. but it is not over yet! Help us by posting bugs on the forums -- we will bring the bug spray!
  • New Player-NPCs being added today!
    You may have noticed that there were 3 Player NPCs in the game – Steve, Ninja Marksman, and Useless. But, those were not the only winners of the first round of the Who Wants to be an NPC? Youtube contest! More winners will be posted today, and even more next week. It is not too late for you to enter your super character!
  • Quest NPCs coming today!
    Rumor has it that HeroSpire and Skull Deep will be recieving mission-filled guests today!
  • QUESTION: How do I re-verify my email address?
    ANSWER: Goto to, login and go to account > verify email.
  • New Super-Outfits coming today!
    More outfits of all types are being added today.

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011


AdventureQuest Worlds MMORPG

AQWorlds is a massively multiplayer role-playing game that plays right inside your web browser. There is no software to download or install -- and this MMO is FREE! Battle monsters in real-time RPG combat alongside your friends. Check out the screenshots and then see what chaos and insanity is in development now on Artix & Cysero's design notes.

Upgrade Your Account

Become a member and you will get access to member-only exclusive classes, weapons, areas, shops, quests and special pets... including Dragons which can be turned into a Dracolich!

Poisons, Plots, Perilous Puzzles

Find Alina in Swordhaven this weekend, because she needs your help to foil a perilous plot against King Alteon's life! Your heroic battle-skills combined with her potent potion-powers will get the answers she seeks! And don't forget, the Mother's Day and Limited Quantity Shops release at 10:00 AM server time, stocked with epic gear and rare loot!

New Villain, Old Vendetta

Storming the Skyguard Academy

A mysterious stranger is making a move to infiltrate the Skyguard, and he's starting with the newest class of Academy Recruits. A nefarious plot is underway, and Stratos' safety and sanity are at risk! This expansion to our member-only zone is joined by the Royal Wedding, HeroSmash Beta shop, and Player Suggestion shop, all filled with grand gear and exciting items!


Play the world’s most super MMO now!

HeroSmash takes to the skies in the world-wide release! And this is your chance to become a Founder!
hero smashin time
Support this brand new game during the first 30-days of launch with any HeroSmash upgrade or SmashCoin package on this game and you will be declared a Founder of HeroSmash. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and once it is gone, it will never be available again.

New Newsworthy News!

It has been an incredible two weeks for the players and team at Artix Entertainment. Here are the highlights:

Holidays to get you hopping!

Grab your Grenwog and Planet Day Gear!

Help clean up the planet and celebrate Spring with all new quests and holiday shops! We've got awesome armors, wicked weapons, and seasonal rare gear galore! Battle the GrenWog and General Pollution to unlock all new items that will make your enemies "go green" with envy!

AQW Card Game!!!

Now available at Toys R Us and HeroMart! 

Woooohooooooo! It is happening! Our card game is on store shelves at TOYS-R-US in the U.S. and at for all of us outside the U.S. Check out the official Card Game website for super cheesy videos, example game play and sneak peaks of the exclusive CardClasher Class that comes with it!
AdventureQuest Worlds BattleOn Battle Cards Available Now


Alina Finally Arrives In AQW

Someone has poisoned King Alteon and it look like our own Alina might be the culprit.
Just click the Alina's Tale button in Battleon to help her prove that she is innocent of this crime against the throne!
This is the first part of a continuing storyline for Alina. Just our way of saying Welcome to the game! She wrote the story and Samba got to really earn her stripes as an AE animator, with pumping out 2 cutscenes and a brand new monster in less than 3 days!
Just because you guys get to miss all the fun errors that we fix BEFORE we release the event I thought I would show you a little picture of Alina from earler this week. We call her DERPlina.
This adventure features a TON of new drops and shop items available from Alina, including Mennace's Opalescent Blades!
That's me wearing the Stained Aurus Wings (CC) and Alina is also modeling the Aurus Via armor from tomorrow's Limited Quantity Shop.

Limited Quantity Shop, Tomorrow 10 AM Server Time (EST)

Tomorrow at 10 AM the next LQS goes live. Here is a full list of items that can be found there.
  • Aurus Via Armor (Qty 6000) - 900 AC
  • Aurus Via Accoutrements (Qty 6000) - 400 AC
  • Aurus Via Helm (Qty 6000) - 300 AC
  • Stained Aurus Wings (Qty 6000) - 400 AC
  • Dirge Armor (Qty 3000) - 900 AC
  • Dirge Demon Helm (Qty 3000) - 300 AC
  • Male Dirge Helm (Qty 1000) - 300 AC
  • Female Dirge Helm (Qty 1000) - 300 AC
  • Sword Of Sorrow (Qty 3000) - 200 AC
  • Energy Disc (Qty 3000) - 150 AC
  • Earth Piercer (Qty 20000) - 20,000 G
  • Electric Thunder (Qty 9000) - 15,000 G
Plus all of the stuff left over from previous LQS runs.
REMEMBER: This still goes live TOMORROW at 10 AM SERVER TIME (EST). These LQS's items have been going faster and faster so i highly recommend that you be there early and warm up your clicking finger if you want to get any of these.

So long, Farewell... To A Bunch Of Stuff.

Fear Chaser is now GONE, the rare items from the event shop are now rare. The rest of the event is now member only. Grenwog is gone for another year. The HeroSmash Launch shop is gone. Those items are now rare. The Panda Launcher has been moved to a random monster in AQW.
Tomorrow when the LQS goes live, MOTHER'S DAY also goes live (I hope you guys have done something nice for your mom's. I got my mom a tree). Randor's Birthday shop and the Cinco De Mayo shop will also be gone.


Voltaire and Deady return to AQWorlds for another musical event. He was out 1st Musical Gurst Star and continues to be a very good friend to AQW. He co-wrote this event with me and hopefully you will have a LOT of fun!
We get to reveal Deady's TRUE terrifying extra-terrestrial form! Should be a lot of fun.
There WILL, as usual, be an event rare shop filled with lots of Deady, Voltaire and unlucky items and the event will give the Friday the 13th Bdage if you have somehow failed to get it so far.


HeroMart has JUST gotten the first round of EpicDuel posters in!
In addition to getthing this awesome wall poster you also get a HUGE load of credits, and as if that wasn't enough you ALSO get the Bionic Bear Bike which increases your move speed by 50% and increases your bearitude by 100%. That's assuming you're not a bear. 
Anyway, head over to HEROMART and grab one OR if you're an extra special kind of person, get the extra special SIGNED poster. (They let me hide my signature on one of the posters randomly. It's tiny and hard to find but if you get that one, let me know!)

Tags: Cysero Alina LQS Mother's Day EpicDuel HeroMart

Celebration-Shop Sensation!

Celebration-Shop Sensation!

You can expect to see Khuddar and his Limited Quantity Shop THIS SATURDAY starting at exactly 10:00 AM server time. The shop will be around for one week (or until all items are gone), and pricing is still to be determined. As usual, items which haven't sold out from the last shop will be included in THIS shop, which will contain at least:
  • 5,000 of Dage's Aurus Via set (armor, helm, and weapon)
  • 9,000 of Mennace's Electric Thunder Battle-Axe 
  • 20,000 of Mennace's Earth Piercer Axe

An elite rank of Paladins, Auros Via warriors- Defenders of the Golden Way- are marked by the distinctive winged helm and the solid gold trim. The plating is treated with a Prismatic Potion, and changes color according to the warrior's whim. Only those who have proven their honor, bravery, and steadfastness are considered for the title. Wear it well, Hero!
* Here is a handy time-zone converter.

Cinco de Mayo Supplies

It's the Fifth of May, and that means mad Cinco de Mayo celebrations are underway! And to join in the fun, we're bringing back a shop full of crazy-awesome accoutrements for you to equip. If you're looking for colorful gear that will let you look your best while busting through enemies like they were filled with candy, check out:

  • Maracas 11 mace
  • Dos Maracas 11 daggers
  • Pinata 11 pet 
  • Sombrero and Big Sombrero helms
  • and the Mariachi Armor 11 

Rock out for Randor the Red's Birthday

Help us with a very happy birthday to our favorite wallpaper-maker, Randor the Red! And to celebrate, he wants to give YOU gifts, instead of the other way around. So for the past few weeks, he's been laboring in secret (and not so secret, since he's posted some previews on Twitter) to bring these gifts to you:
  • Forest Tiger 11 pet
  • Dragonwings of Destiny 11 daggers (CC and non-CC)
  • Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
  • Shocking Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
  • Spiky Raised and Lowered Goggles helms
  • Raised and Lowered Aviatrix helms
  • Crustacean Crusher 11 daggers (CC and non-CC)

The Cinco de Mayo and Randor birthday shops leave on Monday. Enjoy the mini-release day and be sure to join us tomorrow for our weekend release (We're starting an all-new story and will release our Mother's Day shop on Sunday!) And remember...


AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE ARTIX POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Premiere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
 Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free Artix Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

Tags: Alina Cinco de Mayo Randor Birthday Limited Quantity Shop

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Miltonius AQWorlds

Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
Welcome minion… err.. hero. The prices? Oh boohoo! Leave if you think they're unreasonable! I've watched you from the begining. You've had it easy, hero. Everything has been handed to you. Haha! Do you even know what a challenge is? Earning my wares will cost you… and it'll cost you a lot. Keep whining and I'll decorate this room with your entrails.
I'll sell you my wares after you prove your worth. Appease the one dragons fear. Nothing big or small is beyond me here. …what you think you know… could change tomorrow… try not to cry when it happens.

In Citadel raresmall.png
The cave area hasn't been completed yet. But you can still take a look around.



Sebuah game massively multiplayer online yang memainkan dengan tepat Flash dalam browser web Anda. Perangkat lunak Tidak untuk men-download atau menginstal - dan MMO ini gratis! monster Pertempuran secara real-time RPG tempur bersama sahabat Anda. Check out the screenshot dan kemudian melihat apa kekacauan dan kegilaan adalah pengembangan sekarang Artix & Cysero'scatatan desain.

Upgrade Account Anda

Menjadi anggota dan Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke hanya eksklusif kelas-anggota, senjata, area, toko, pencarian dan hewan peliharaan khusus ... termasuk Dragons yang dapat diubah menjadi sebuah Dracolich!
Pergi ke Halaman Upgrade

Khusus untuk yang baru buat character ada baiknya mengerjakan misi yang tidak membutuhkan XP banyak,akibat bila character kalian mengerjakan misi yang mendapatkan XP banyak membuat Rank XP dan LVL XP saling tidak imbang.
Bagi kalian yang membutuhkan gold banyak tidak perlu melakukan cheat,lebih baik kalian membuka Map,lalu klik Greenguard Forest yang terdapat pada gambar peta,kemudiaan kalian klik Crash Site.Setelah sampai,kalian ambil 3 misi teratas dan itu adalah yang paling mudah.Peringatan pada kalian saat diwilayah sana,karena monster di wilayah sana sangat Aggresif dan akan menyerang kalian jika kita lewati.

Untuk mendapatkan XP yang mudah kalian tinggal klik Map,lalu Klik gambar Greenguard Forest ,kemudian klik SleuthHound Inn,lalu kalian setelah masuk rumah belok kanan dan ada meja.Meja itulah yang Jadi targetkalian

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Code AQWorlds

kita juga bisa memasukan code di AQWorlds yaitu di battleontown di orang yang benama Valencia
salah satu codenya adalah oicu812

Char AQWorlds

ini adalah salahsatu char AQW saya